

I used to skip breakfast, grab a coffee and head out the door, it’s no wonder I burned out my adrenals. Within a couple of hours I was light headed and grabbed any sugary snack that I could find. Now I NEVER miss breakfast, this is my most important routine of the day, so I would like to share it with you.

My Routine

B12 supplement, see supplement page here>>

Wait 5 minutes

2 x 16oz filtered/spring water, juice from 1/2 lemon or lime

Wait 20-30 minutes

Zinc supplement

1 x 16oz of fresh celery juice

Wait 5 minutes

Have breakfast - I usually drink the Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie - see Juices & Smoothies

Overnight our liver detoxifies and lemon/lime water helps flush out those toxins, (I add 1 tab. of raw, unfiltered honey into the first glass). This took me a while to get used to - I was NOT accustomed to drinking water in the morning, let alone 2 full glasses. If you have sensitive teeth, use a straw.

Fresh Melon - Melons can be enjoyed year round, as they are always in season somewhere in the world. Read more here>>

Chia Seed Pudding - this versatile pudding makes an easy breakfast dish. It keeps for 2- 3 days in the refrigerator, so you can make the evening before and enjoy it the next 2 days. Read more here>>

Fresh Fruit Bowl - so refreshing and so good for you, the combinations are limitless. Read more here>>

Gluten-free Oatmeal - an old-time favorite comfort food for many and like Chia Seed Pudding, the combinations are limitless. Read more here>>

‘English-style’ Breakfast - sorry, not quite the traditional bacon and eggs here, as I no longer eat pork or eggs due to health reasons,  so I make this instead. Read more here>>

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